Karukerament - The English version

Karukerament - The English version

Sharing Caribbean narratives


Karukerament is a podcast about the representation of the Caribbean in cinema and television.

En cours de lecture

Celebrating 6th anniversary with Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown (Reels and Riddims)

Yé Moun La! Karukerament turns 6. Check out my discussion with Kerry-Ann (Carry On Friends podcast, Reels and Riddims podcast) about the progress in Caribbean representation in cinema and TV as well as the challenges of producing Caribbean films.





Opening and ending credits: Mano D'iShango feat. Yalisaï - ⁠⁠Escape Music (Feel it)

En cours de lecture

5 Good Reasons To Watch "Here Ends The World We've Known" by Anne-Sophie Nanki

Yé Moun La! Let me share with you 5 good reasons to watch the short film "Ici S'achève Le Monde Connu" [Here Ends The World We've Known] by Anne-Sophie Nanki.

Make sure to check out the Conch Shell International Film Festival website⁠⁠ (conchshelliff.com) ⁠⁠to get more info about the festival.





⁠Special Edition - A guidebook on the representation of slavery in French cinema and TV


Opening and ending credits: Mano D'iShango feat. Yalisaï - ⁠Escape Music (Feel it)

En cours de lecture

5 Good Reasons To Watch "Black Soldier" by Jimmy Laporal-Trésor

Yé Moun La! Let me share with you 5 good reasons to watch the short film "Le Soldat Noir" (Black Soldier) by Jimmy Laporal-Trésor.

Make sure to check out the Conch Shell International Film Festival website⁠ (conchshelliff.com) ⁠to get more info about the festival.





5 good reasons to watch "The Rascals" by Jimmy Laporal-Trésor

Black single mothers in US Black sitcoms from the 90's

“O Madiana” review

“Le Gang des Antillais” review


Opening and ending credits: Mano D'iShango feat. Yalisaï - ⁠Escape Music (Feel it)

En cours de lecture

5 good reasons to watch "Ki-w La Ki-w Pa La" by Yannick Rosine (Guadeloupe)

Yé Moun La! Let me share with you 5 good reasons to watch the short film "Ki-w La Ki-w Pa La" by Yannick Rosine (Guadeloupe).

Make sure to check out the Conch Shell International Film Festival website (conchshelliff.com) to get more info about the festival.





Opening and ending credits: Mano D'iShango feat. Yalisaï - ⁠Escape Music (Feel it)

En cours de lecture

CSIFF 2022 - Bloopers

Yé Moun La! This is the end of 2022! Check out a few bloopers of my interviews for the 2nd Conch Shell International Film Festival. And if you haven’t already, check out the real interviews with filmmakers Edwin FrankO, Gerelle Forbes, Amir Aether Valen, Catherine Bruhier, Angelina Villapiano, Charysse Harper and Gabri Christa.

More info about the festival: www.conchshelliff.com

Website: karukerament.com


Opening and ending credits: Mano D'iShango feat. Yalisaï - Escape Music (Feel it)